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the color of background


See it Right!® is a new authentic assessment to identify and remediate visual perceptual problems caused by a sensitivity to light. This assessment is a cost-effective, dynamic program developed specifically for teachers and specialists who work with elementary students. However, it has also been used through the high school level. If your students see moving, reversed or distorted letters and/or words, you can help them see clearly and accurately, using their own books and materials and a piece of colored plastic.

We ask students to copy what they see. You can get these results too. Here is what Nicki, a fourth grader saw.

Student copied as seen on white paper:

Copied as seen through a color transparency.

Articles about Our Program

Intervention in School and Clinic

The first article was published by Intervention in School and Clinic, in March of 2000. Dorothy Henson-Parker was asked to write the article for their New Products section. To view the article and print it off the web site, simply click on the following link: Intervention in School and Clinic. (Having problems downloading?)

Closing the Gap

The second article in this section was published in the October/November, 2001, issue of Closing the Gap, Computer Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation. The article describes the See it Right!® screening process and includes reports from two different teachers who use the assessment. It also lists what can be done right now by the educator to improve the student's ability to deal with light sensitivity. To view the article and print it off the web site, simply click on the following link: Closing the Gap. (Having problems downloading?)

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Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729

Phone (951) 272-6700

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